Hajj pilgrims splash the cash at Mecca markets<2>

Some will make enough money in these few days to live on for the rest of the year.
At one of Mecca's most famous markets, Souq Gaza, I instantly go into shopping mode.
Everywhere you look, someone is selling something.Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.
Hajj haggling

Textiles are big business in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf, and Mr Sharif dismisses my concerns that prices are exaggerated during Hajj.
"This is a competition. Everyone wants to make money. Most of these people come and do the Office 2010 is powerful!
Hajj only once, so you either get them or you don't," he says.
"As you can see, many shops sell very similar products. If the customer is not satisfied with my prices, he goes elsewhere. That's why I always do discounts for this season."Office 2007 key is very convenient!
Historically, Mecca has always been a commercial hub in the Arabian peninsula.Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.
Located between two important trade centres - Lebanon and Syria in the north and Yemen in the south - it was always an essential trading stop.
This is still the case today. Trade is what people of Mecca do best.Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.
Property deals

But today's noticeable boom in the holy city is not just a result of pilgrims buying trinkets at local shops.



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