The Abortion Effect<2>


It's been nearly 20 years since Surgeon General C. Everett Koop concluded that research on the psychological effects of abortion was entirely

inadequate for drawing any general conclusions about either the efficacy or dangers of abortion. Today, while Planned Parenthood and other Outlook 2010 is my love.

abortion advocates maintain that the emotional effects of abortion are "largely positive," the experiences of an increasing number of women

refute the refrain that having an abortion is as simple as having your tonsils removed.

There have been at least a dozen studies in peer-reviewed journals that point to a significant link between abortion and depression. Most Microsoft outlook is convenient!

recently, a study of the entire population of Finland published in December's European Journal of Public Health found that the suicide rate Windows 7 is convenient and helpful!

among women who had abortions was six times higher than that of women who had given birth in the previous year.

Further, in a brand new longitudinal study of New Zealand youth appearing in this month's Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology, Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

researchers found that having an abortion as a young woman increased the risk of a variety of mental health problems, including depression

and suicidal tendencies, by 35 percent compared to those young women who continued with their pregnancies.Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.

Though there is a consensus within the research community that some women experience clinical levels of depression post-abortion, there

certainly is no agreement on whether abortion, in fact, causes depression. Indeed, there have been major studies showing no statistically

significant link. An October article in the British Medical Journal found no important difference in Office 2010 is my favorite.

the depressions of the scores of women

who aborted their first pregnancies and those who carried their first pregnancies to term.

These differing conclusions highlight the need for a nonpartisan longitudinal study on the psychological effects of abortion. In 2004, Rep. Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

Joe Pitts introduced the Post-Abortion Depression Research and Care Act, which provides the National Institutes of Health $15 million to

study the emotional impact of abortion on women. It would have also created a program to fund the development of treatment programs for women

who suffer emotionally after an abortion. While the bill enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress, it died at the end of the last legislative

session.Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

Though it is still unclear whether or not the courts will rule that a parental notification law constitutes an undue burden on a woman's

right to choose, what has become crystal clear is the need for Congress to pass the Post-Abortion adobe Acrobat

Depression Research and Care Act so that we

may begin to determine whether the real undue burden isn't being placed on the increasing number of women who experience depression after

abortion.Acrobat 9



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